About Laces

Why Laces?

Welcome to Laces — where champions are forged and the supporters behind them stand strong. This is more than a community; it's a crucible where the relentless spirit of college athletes and the unwavering dedication of parents fuel a journey towards greatness.

For ATHLETES, find an exclusive college athlete community in Laces. Here, your journey is sacred, your struggles and triumphs shared only with those who walk in your shoes. This is your community, your sanctuary, where you find solutions, break barriers, and help your peers along the way.

PARENTS, this is your stronghold. A separate, dedicated space where you can connect, share strategies, and draw strength. From other parents to college coaches and junior sports organizations, gain insight from those who know best. It's where you learn from the ones who've been in the trenches, supporting their champions every step of the way. Here, you're more than a spectator; you're a vital part of the journey, shaping the future of the athletes you stand behind.


At Laces, we created an exclusive community where understanding, support, and collective wisdom of college athletes thrive.

Benefits of Joining Laces:

  • Unrivaled Community Connection: Immerse yourself in a brotherhood and sisterhood of athletes who get it. Here, you're not just connecting; you're bonding over shared struggles, victories, and dreams that only a fellow athlete can truly comprehend.

  • Guidance from Those Who've Walked the Path: Engage with coaches, pro athletes, agents, and industry experts in meaningful conversations. These aren't just interviews; they're lifelines, offering insights and advice from those who’ve navigated the journey you're on.

  • Strength in Shared Experience: Discover the power of a community where every member is both a mentor and a mentee. Learn from peers, share your own wisdom, and find solace in the fact that you're part of a tribe that faces the same challenges and chases the same dreams.

  • A Network of Champions: Join a circle where every member brings something unique to the table. Here, guidance isn't just advice; it's a shared strategy for success, forged in the fires of competition and camaraderie.

Laces isn’t just about building connections; it’s about nurturing a family of athletes who understand the sweat, the tears, and the triumphs like no one else can. It's a sanctuary where guidance, support, and mutual growth are not just ideals; they're the norm.

Step into a world where you're understood, where your journey is everyone's journey, and where your victories and challenges resonate with every member. This is Laces — your community, your support system, your road to greatness.


Behind every aspiring athlete is a support system of dedicated parents, guardians, and mentors. Laces is where this vital community comes together, offering a unique space for those who play a crucial role in nurturing the dreams of athletes.

Benefits of Joining Laces:

  • A Network of Understanding: Connect with parents and mentors who live your reality. In Laces, find solace and strength in shared experiences, from sideline cheers to the silent work behind the scenes.

  • Insights from the Inside Track: Engage with college coaches, skill coaches, and junior organizations. Gain perspectives and advice on guiding your athlete, understanding their journey, and balancing the many roles you play.

  • Collective Wisdom and Support: In Laces, every question, concern, and celebration is met with empathy and experience. Benefit from the wisdom of those who've been there, sharing strategies for nurturing not just the athlete, but the person.

  • Empowering Your Athlete's Dreams: Learn how to be the rock-solid foundation your athlete needs. From navigating recruitment to managing training and education, Laces offers you acommunity to support your child’s ambitions effectively and compassionately.

Laces is more than a community; it's a haven for those who dedicate their lives to supporting future champions. Here, your role is recognized, your challenges are understood, and your contribution to your athlete's success is celebrated.

Join a network where your experiences are shared, your efforts are appreciated, and your wisdom grows every day. Laces is your community, your resource, and your support system on this extraordinary journey.

Together, we don’t just support champions; we create them.